Book Reviews
If you have not read Jon Freeman's new book I strongly suggest you do so. You will be aware of his deep and coherent insights, range of dealing with today's complex worlds, and unique ability to identify many of the dots that most of us miss.
Jon thinks and acts from a wider arc than most of us. The Science of Possibility provides clear understanding of how various concept models, including Spiral Dynamics, express emerging "patterns of consciousness" in our never ending quest. He will open your eyes to expanding notions of reality.
"As brave and as comprehensive an attempt as I have yet seen to put science into spirituality and spirituality into science.
Like Freeman, I believe that at some point in the future we will all realise that these two "polarities" intersect in consciousness."
A truly unique exposition
The Science of Possibility is a profoundly thought-
Good investment of time and money
A thought provoking read about Possibility and a convincing use of accessible Science to support the discussion. A number of things I already knew, but not from Jon and Juliana's encompassing point of view. Relationships and entanglements, dogmatically denied in current paradigms, are effectively challenged and convincingly made possible. It will now be very difficult for me to see, read or hear something previously "beyond the pail" and just blow it off as "airy fairy" or "Woo Woo" way out there. What are the possibilities out there beyond the values and beliefs of my socialization process? This book has helped me imagine what that might be like. The value of this book far exceeds the price and was a great investment in my future and the future of my sphere of influence.
Taking us beyond the current Reductionist Paradigm
In this book, Jon Freeman explores the universe that lies beyond the current scientific paradigm which has been housed in elitists, almost exclusionary silos. The Science of Possibility re-
In the book, Jon does a convincing job in bridging the gaps between physics and metaphysics, philosophy and science, chaos theory and fractals and the biological systems of the brain. He reminds us of what we have already known, that the universal macrocosm is within us and that if we tap into that infinite reservoir of "knowing" we can alter the course of humanity in many positive ways
Deep wisdom, translated into intuitive understanding
I'm a futurist, stretching to see over the horizon. This book helped me understand the dynamics that are creating our future, and how to participate in creating our coming global cultural and economic evolution. Many powerful understandings. I especially liked the last two chapters where he pulls it all together and adds his vision of possibilities.
What the authors put forward is not so much a theory as a story. It is a story that sparks questions about the status quo thinking in biology, chemistry, genetics, physics, psychology, cosmology, and sociology. They pull together essential strands from all these disciplines, juxtapose them, and then astutely point out where they support and/or contradict each other. They are not afraid to say, “That doesn’t make sense” from a rational point of view or “that doesn’t feel right” when human experience is ignored or distorted to support an “objective truth”.
The Science of Possibility presents alternatives to the standard answers to the perennial questions about the nature of reality and humanity’s role in it. It dares to put consciousness front and center as the information field that makes the Universe a process rather than a thing. At the end, the authors help us imagine totally new possibilities in economics and finance, globalization, ecology, education, healthcare, and even relationships. If this book is a story, it lets us, the readers, write our own endings—and the endings are countless. The choice is ours. This book taught me a lot. More important, it motivates me to go out and do something—to harness possibility in the co-creation of a better world.”